"Keta Films wins the MVP award. Your shooting & footage saved our entire show!"  -Scott Ogle, NBC Sports

Keta Films founded in 1998. Evolving with the entertainment and media industry, providing original content, marketing solutions and adapting to the way the world views their mediums.

Erin Calmes, Producer, cinematographer, photographer, writer, creative director. Her credits include Whale Wars, Air Force One with Harrison Ford: The Whale Shark Hunters Starring William Shatner, Billanbong Kite Jam With Sir RIchard Branson, Distribution Includes  National Geographic, MTV, NBC Sports. Calmes coverage of the war in Bosnia earned her photographic honors. Her book, "The Young Women and the Shark" is managed by AEI and her life rights are with Echolean Entertainment.

Keta’s marketing group, Just Sascha Productions. Brand management, event and marketing, Clients include Red Bull, Monster Energy, Dakine, Motorola, Beeline. Art Direction, photography and Design for Dakine and many action sport companies.

Shark research, oceanic maintenance, education and preservation are also priorities at Keta. "The Shark Project", is our shark protection group, organized for all shark species. 2014 focus on networking research information: joining the voice of the Ocean with the message that killing sharks out of fear and for fins is not cool. Join us here.

All contents © copyright 1999-2023 Keta Films, Inc. All rights reserved.

